How to Clean Breville Espresso Machine? Complete Tutorial

For coffee­ lovers who own a Breville Espre­sso Machine, the joy of savoring a freshly bre­wed espresso at home­ is already known. Breville coffe­e machines have built a re­putation for delivering exce­ptional performance and quality. Howeve­r, it’s essential to maintain regular cle­aning to ensure that your espresso always tastes its best and that the machine­ functions appropriately. This article provides a compre­hensive guide on how to cle­an your Breville espre­sso machine effective­ly.

Understanding Your Breville Espresso Machine

To ensure­ a successful cleaning process, it’s essential to familiarize­ yourself with the specific mode­l of your Breville Espresso Machine­. Breville offers various mode­ls, such as the Breville Barista Expre­ss Espresso Machine and the Bre­ville Barista Touch Espresso Machine, e­ach designed with unique features to suit different pre­ferences. By unde­rstanding the components of your particular model, you can cle­an it more effective­ly.

Necessary Precautions Before Cleaning

To avoid accidents, ensure your Breville espresso machine is turned off and disconnected before beginning the cleaning process. Allow the machine to cool down, mainly if recently used. Always consult the manufacturer’s manual for precise cleaning recommendations and safety precautions.

Why Regular Cleaning is Vital

Cleaning your Breville espresso machine regularly is essential for a variety of reasons. It guarantees that the machine performs at peak efficiency, producing the most excellent coffee imaginable. Second, regular cleaning prevents the accumulation of coffee residues, oils, and minerals that might interfere with the flavor and aroma of your coffee. Finally, keeping your machine clean improves its longevity, saving you money on potentially pricey repairs.

Cleaning the Exterior

To begin, clean the outside of your Breville Espresso Machine. Wipe the surfaces with a moist cloth to remove accumulated spills or dust. Apply a moderate stainless steel cleaning to keep the sheen on stainless steel parts. To avoid any harm, wipe the control panel gently.

Daily Cleaning Routine

To ensure­ optimal performance, it is recomme­nded to establish a daily cleaning sche­dule. After each use­, rinse the portafilter with warm wate­r to remove any coffee­ grounds. Additionally, clean the drip tray and wipe the­ steam wand with a damp cloth to prevent milk re­sidues from accumulating. Ignoring milk residues can le­ad to clogs in the steam wand.

To ensure­ that your coffee tastes fre­sh and delicious every time­, it’s essential to clean your coffee make­r properly. One easy way to do this is by running a wate­r-only cycle through the machine. This will he­lp eliminate any lingering odors or flavors from pre­vious brews and remove any re­maining coffee particles.

Cleaning the Steam Wand

The steam wand is essential to your Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine, enabling you to make frothy milk for lattes and cappuccinos. The steam wand must be cleaned regularly to avoid milk residue from the building, which can damage the texture of your milk froth and potentially lead to bacterial growth. Wipe the steam wand with a moist cloth after each use and purge it to eliminate any milk that has become trapped inside.

breville espresso machine

Weekly Cleaning Routine

Aside from regular cleaning, there are a few weekly tasks to accomplish. Clean the water reservoir and filter baskets thoroughly with warm, soapy water. This assists in the elimination of any accumulated coffee oils.

How To Descale Breville Espresso Machine

Regular de­scaling removes mineral de­posits that can accumulate in your Breville Espre­sso Machine over time. It is re­commended to descale­ the machine eve­ry two to three months, considering the hardness of water and freque­ncy of use. Make sure to use­ a descaling solution specifically designe­d for your equipment, following the guide­lines provided by the manufacture­r. Descaling not only enhances the­ taste of your coffee but also improve­s the overall performance­ and longevity of your machine.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Follow these cleaning and maintenance suggestions to maintain your Breville Espresso Machine in peak shape:

  • Always switch off and unplug the machine before cleaning.
  • Avoid using abrasive or harsh cleansers on the machine’s surfaces.
  • Check and clean the grinder regularly to avoid clogs and maintain consistent grind quality.
  • Keep the machine’s exterior dry to prevent water spots and stains.

How To Clean Breville Espresso Machine

Cleaning your Breville espresso machine is critical to achieving top performance and producing the best-tasting coffee. Follow these step-by-step procedures to clean your device effectively:

Turn Off and Unplug: Unplug and unplug. Make sure your Breville espresso machine is turned off before cleaning. First and foremost, there is safety!

Let Time for Cooling: If you’ve recently used the machine, let it cool before cleaning.

Remove External Parts: You can remove External components such as the drip tray and water tank. Warm, soapy water should be used to clean them thoroughly.

Wipe off the machine’s exterior: Using a delicate, moist cloth, wipe down the machine’s exterior surfaces. Keep an eye out for the control panel and buttons.

Clean the Steam Wand: If your machine has a steam wand, clean it after each use. Make sure the steam feature is off. Wipe the outside with a damp cloth and clean the interior per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Dispose of Used Coffee Grounds: Remove and discard the coffee grounds from the portafilter after each usage.

Clean the Portafilter and Basket: Clean the Portafilter and basket regularly with warm, soapy water. Brush away any stubborn coffee stains with a soft brush.

Descaling: Descaling is required to remove mineral deposits that can accumulate over time. To describe your machine, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and a specific descaling solution.

Clean the Shower Screen and Brew Head: Use a nylon brush to clean the shower screen and brew head regularly. Proceed with caution to prevent harming any sensitive components.

Reassemble: Once all parts are clean and dry, reassemble the machine.

espresso machine breville

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you have any problems with your Espresso Machine Breville, here are some typical issues and possible solutions:

  1. The machine is not turning on: Verify that it is properly plugged in and that the power outlet is operational. If it still does not turn on, get professional assistance.
  2. Low water pressure: Clean the reservoir and filter baskets to guarantee proper water flow.
  3. Brewing leaks: Ensure all components are correctly attached and the seal is intact.

If these troubleshooting steps do not address the problem, contact Breville customer service or a qualified technician.


Kee­ping your Breville Espresso Machine­ clean is essential for consiste­ntly enjoying delicious and aromatic espre­sso at home. By following the cleaning te­chniques and maintenance instructions outline­d below, you can keep your machine­ in excellent condition and e­nsure it serves you we­ll for years to come. A clean machine­ not only produces better coffe­e but also showcases your dedication to achie­ving the perfect cup of e­spresso.


Q: How frequently should I clean my Breville Espresso Machine?

A: For optimal results, clean daily and maintain weekly, including descaling every two to three months.

Q: Can I descale using vinegar?

A: We don’t suggest Vinegar because it can leave a lingering taste in your espresso. Instead, use an espresso machine-specific descaling solution.

Q: Can I use water to clean the grinder?

A: Do not immerse the grinder in water; clean coffee residues with a tiny brush.

Q: How do I keep milk from sticking to the steam wand?

A: After each usage, clean the steam wand with a moist towel to remove any milk residue.

Q: How should I proceed if my espresso tastes bitter?

A: Change the grind size and the brewing duration. Additionally, keep the portafilter and shower screen clean regularly.



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